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Who We Are

Since 1985

The Emerald Society, Baltimore City Fire Department: In 2015, we became the Metropolitan Baltimore Fire Emerald Society to more adequately reflect our regional membership. Our club was chartered in 1985 by members ...(active & retired) of the Baltimore City Fire Department of Irish Heritage. Designed to support Irish culture, charitable endeavors, as well as community activism. Our membership is made up of members of the Baltimore City and surrounding Fire Departments personnel of Irish Heritage. Each year our organization hosts fundraisers and events to support our charities. Our monthly meetings are held the second Monday of each month. We also hold an annual Bull and Oyster Roast, March in the Grand Saint Patrick’s Day Parade in Baltimore, participate in the Annual Irish Festival , and enjoy several other events through out the year.


Our Mission

The Metropolitan Baltimore Fire Emerald Society is a benevolent, nonprofit organization which serves to further Irish culture and history in the best
traditions of the fire service. The society sponsors social activities to aid educational, religious and charitable causes while promoting positive public sentiment toward the fire service and recognizing the accomplishments and contributions of Irish-Americans to the United States.


Founding Fathers of the Club from 1985

President Fred Byrnes

Trustee  Patrick Byrnes

Historian  Michael Dalton

Treasurer Charles Johnson

Secretary Bob Williams

Edward Sullivan

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