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Burke Award



Established in 1997, the Thomas Burke Courage Medal, was named after Chief Burke.  Chief Burke was a true friend to the firefighters, known for his honesty and fairness.  Chief Burke was Chief of Fire Department 1972-1980.  The award is bestowed upon a member of the department who displays an outstanding act of courage in the line of duty.

The award is presented at the annual Baltimore City Fire Department Medals Day Award Ceremony for acts performed throughout the previous year. 


Congratulations to the following winners of the Thomas Burke Award:


1997: Lieutenant Wayne Nowojieski, Truck Company #15

For the rescue of a three year old girl from a dwelling fire despite adverse heat and smoke conditions.


1998: Captain Ronald Baker, Engine Company #6

           EVD John Neuberger, Truck Company #5

           FF Bernard Muller, Truck Company #16


1999: Firefighter Charlie Campbell Truck, Company #10

While climbing a ground ladder, to vent the upper floors of a dwelling fire, caught (with one hand) the Captain of Truck Company #10, who dove through the window of a room flashing over.


2000: EVD Ray Edsall, Truck Company #5 &  EVD Marty Loftus, Truck Company #16

While searching the fire floor of a high rise fire, located and removed an elderly female from the apartment next to the fire (with the assistance of EVD Neuberger T5) then continued to search the remainder of the fire floor, and led several people to the safety of the roof.


2000: EVD Ray Edsall, Truck Company #5 EVD Marty Loftus, Truck Company #16

While searching the fire floor of a high rise fire, located and removed an elderly female from the apartment next to the fire (with the assistance of EVD Neuberger T5) then continued to search the remainder of the fire floor, and led several people to the safety of the roof.


2001: Lieutenant Ronald Hudgins, Jr., Truck Company #5

Firefighter Keith McGee, Engine Company #19

Upon arrival companies found a two story brick dwelling with a heavy volume of fire coming from the second floor.  Police advised there was a woman trapped on the second floor. Lt Hudgins immediately initiated a search. After locating the woman, Lt. Hudgins and FF McGee removed the unconscious woman for medical care.


2002: Lieutenant Michael Meyers, Truck Company #1

For the rescue of a young boy trapped in the rear basement apartment, with a heavy volume of fire in the front of the apartment.  Lt Meyers entered the apartment through a window without the protection of a hose line.


2003: Winner Firefighter Donald Waugh, Engine Company #13

Removed a wheelchair bound elderly male from the second floor of a dwelling fire without the protection of a hose line.


2004: Lt Kennet Hyde, HAZ MAT Coord.

EBO Robert Sebeck, Fire Rescue Boat #1

FF Bernard Muller, Truck Company #16

For their heroic efforts during the rescue/recovery of the Harbor Water Taxi Incident.  An additional thanks to Sam Burrell who was the diver who rescued FF Muller, who was trapped under water entangled in debris during the rescue operations.


2005: EVD Jack Kamps, Truck Company #5

For the rescue of an unconscious male from the 12th floor apartment of a high rise fire.  EVD Kamps entered and searched the apartment without the protection of a hose line.










2010: Acting Lieutenant Jeffrey Novack, Truck Company #12

April 7, 2010 Effecting the rescue of an elderly woman in an apartment above the fire.

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