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Book endowment

The Metropoiltan Baltimore Fire Emerald Society will annually provide two $500.00 book endowments, based on fund availability.  A letter requesting consideration, along with proof of enrollment, and transcript with grades, must be received by August 1st and the recipient will be chosen at the August meeting.




Applicant must be a member or family member (spouse, child or grandchild) of an active, associate or retired member of the Metropolitan Baltimore Fire Emerald Society. The MBFES member must be in good standing and must have attended a minimum of two general meetings and one event (annual bull roast, St. Patrick’s parade, Irish festival beef stand, etc.) during the year prior to the August meeting.


Applicant must submit a letter explaining their relationship to the MBFES and why they feel they deserve to receive the endowment. Describe any extracurricular activities, interests, honors, educational or career goals.


Applicant must be a high school graduate.


Applicant must be enrolled in a full time (12 or more credits) degree program.


Applicant must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and provide the most recent SEALED school transcript.


All documents must be MAILED to the MBFES post office box and postmarked NO LATER than August 1st.




Send letters and documents to: 


Metropolitan Baltimore Fire Emerald Society




Book Endowment Committee

PO BOX 43734

Nottingham, MD 21236

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